Membership Fees 2024/25

Club fees are due annually by the 30th September, if you joined before October 2024. If you joined after your fees are due on the anniversary date that you joined. Fees can either be paid in full or in monthly instalments over the year.

Fees shown below include club fees membership of Archery GB as well as fees payable to County and Regional archery associations for 2024/25. 

Payment can be made by cash, cheque, standing order or bank transfer (bank sort code and account number available on request). 


Once paid, membership fees are usually non-refundable.  However, we recognise exceptional circumstances sometimes occur and the committee will consider discretionary refunds upon application. (The yearly fee paid to Archery GB for membership is non-refundable.)



Yearly Payment in full



Membership Type


Seniors (21+)


Students (18-20)

/ Disabled


Juniors (U18)


Monthly Payment via Installments


Membership Type     

First Months 


then 11 Monthly

payments of

Seniors (21+)



Students (18-24)

/ Disabled



Juniors (U18)





Associate Club Membership

As an Associate Member of Gipping Valley Archers you can use our ranges and facilities as per our normal opening hours and range rules. You will only pay the appropriate GVA monthly rate (currently £10 for adults and £3 for under 18). Your Archery GB membership is paid either directly to AGB or via your primary AGB affiliated Club. If your Archery GB membership is cancelled or is not renewed your Gipping Valley Archers membership will also cease.  Associate Membership Form


Taster Sessions and Beginners Courses

The taster session and beginners course fees cover all aspects of the course including equipment hire, insurance cover and general wear and tear of equipment.  To book a training course with us please go to Training.


Taster Sessions - (1 session)

Adults - £15
Under 18's - £10

Beginners Courses - (4 sessions)

Adults - £60
Under 18's - £40


Equipment Hire and Target Fees

For new club members we are able to hire club equipment until you have had the chance to decide on what kit you would be interested in purchasing yourself. Equipment can be hired for up to 12 weeks on a Sunday between 10am and 4pm. Equipment Hire - £3 per person per session 


Visiting archers who are members of another club (proof of membership of Archery GB or other recognised body required) are able to attend on our Sunday Club day and pay a target fee to cover the cost of wear and tear on equipment. Target Fees  - £5 per session



Any queries regarding fees due general questions about fees or for details on how to make payment please speak to the club treasurer in person or via the Contact Us.