The 252 Award scheme is designed to encourage archers to improve their accuracy and increase the ranges being shot at, with badges for qualifying scores at distances from 20 yards up to 100 yards.


After 6 sighters, you shoot 3 dozen arrows on a 122cm face at your chosen distance. The round can be shot at 10y (Under 18 only), 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80 or 100 yds with the objective of scoring 252 or better for archers aged 10 and over or 191 for under 10 using a sighted recurve bow (alternative scores apply for other bow types - see table below).


Download and print a 252 score sheet. Alternatively you can score your 252 round on a mobile app and save the planet! There are a number of different apps available an a number of different operating systems / phone types. Here are few Apps worth considering - but they only support the 252 scheme for over 10. The under 10 scores were made up by this club to encourace yonger archers to participate. 


When you achieve the score twice in two different sessions you can claim a badge. The badges are free for one bow style. If you wish to earn badges for another bow style then the badges are charged at £1 each.





  • Six sighters which are to be followed immediately by three dozen scored arrows.

  • Using 5-zone scoring (Gold = 9, Red = 7, Blue = 5, Black = 3, White = 1) using a 122cm target face.

  • The three dozen arrows may be shot alone or as the first three dozen of a longer Imperial round.

  • Scores need to be achieved twice to qualify for the award.

  • Qualifying scores for a given distance must be shot on different days. But you can do several distances on the same day.

  • Badges can not be claimed for the same bowstyle for a shorter distance than has already been claimed.

  • All score sheets (or mobile apps) must be witnessed by another member and submitted to our Records Officer Jackie Benjamin

  • If you are claiming a 252 score as part of another round please indicate on the score sheet for that other round that you wish to also claim a 252 Scheme score. It must be the first six ends of the first distance, submit your form to the Records Officer.

  • Due to the cost of the branded GVA badges at now over £12 each we have moved to a generic unbranded version costing under a £1 each - which is not currently shown on the right but can be viewed at  - new 252 badges

Have fun and good luck - and if you dont achieve it straight away you have something to aim for.